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Christina Liu aka Christina White Wolfe is of mixed decent, was born in Taiwan, Taipei, grew up in San Francisco, received her B.S in Managerial Economics at U.C Davis and dived head first in top investments firms such as Merrill Lynch Private Client managing operations, client relationships and millions of dollars for her clients.  


Stress and a life crisis led her to seek for something more.  She sold everything and traveled the world learning and seeking truth and eventually connecting with God, Source, Christ Consciousness, Mother Nature and Divine, learning about herself to the core and deeply transcended into the knowing of her purpose. 


Christina's sufferings from living in fear half of her life, being severely bullied in school, to trying to fit in as an immigrant from a poor household with a negative mindset, having several devastating losses in her family and having to battle extreme health issues in her later years has made her who she is today.  She creates communities and unique, efficient life changing experiences that bring people together with the same likeminded concept of bettering themselves and then in turn helping others.  From creating a school in California on Wolfe Mountain teaching kids life skills to creating life changing retreats, she has assisted in the empowerment of thousands of people in reaching their full potential through mental, physical and spiritual mastery.   She knew we had to come together as a collective to assist in the raising of the human consciousness and thus Collective Wellness Foundation was born.  Currently Christina bounces between Puerto Rico and California and travels all over the world spreading truth, empowerment, clarity and love.  

Join our family. You are needed and wanted.

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